25 February 2011

A Tender Fellow

My poor, dear, physics TA probably thinks I'm some kind of head-case. And he has at least two very good reasons for thinking so.

In the recitation after our most recent test, after blurting out "I have a question." and pausing for a good 2-3 minutes while he stared at me in silence, I proceeded to ask if he had counted off if someone had possibly forgotten to take their calculator to the test and left the answer in all of its unsimplified glory. His response was a concise "That was you?"

I battled a pretty bad headache yesterday, which made me get a tad light-headed, wouldn't you know it, right during recitation. Needless to say, my concentration skills were not up to snuff. I guess MC (that's right, we have the same initials) recognized my blank stare in his direction and came over with a "How's it going?". Eloquent as ever, I look at him for a good minute or so before declaring "I'm...confused." MC proceeded to explain the problem and ask if I thought I could handle finding the volume of a cylinder. That, I can do, even while experiencing mild vertigo.

MC is so tender in his dealings with nutty students.

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