03 January 2012


Seeing as yesterday was the first day of a new year, and every blogger worth his spit has an obligatory new year post, here's mine.

I'll start by saying that I have never, for as long as I can remember, kept a New Year's resolution. This is probably because every resolution I've ever made has been something along the lines of eating less, exercising more, and sister loves to eat a little too much for that to be a reality. So, this year, when asked my resolutions, I kept it simple and attainable. I want to start wearing perfume more. I want to write more letters. I want to do more cool stuff.

These surface level resolutions are great and all, but when I'm tired I get real introspective and late last night I decided that I absolutely must write out serious life goals for the new year. Grabbing a Moleskine and a G2, I set down, prepped for writing, and froze. I had no goals. The only thing running through my mind was the chorus of a Luminate song. A chorus that says, "Here's to new beginnings, here's to breaking free. Let's chase a new horizon, chase who we're meant to be". Suddenly, I knew exactly how I was to compose these things I wanted, which were not so superficial as resolutions but also not so intense as life goals.

New Beginnings: This year, I'm going Mulligans on Jesus Calling, giving it a new start. I also hope to begin new and meaningful relationships, and open up to new opportunities that might arise. I also started a fresh journal.
Breaking Free: I've found myself in destructive cycles as of late, and I'm hoping to break free of that. I also want to break free of aspects in certain relationships that drag me down, plus unnecessary pressures, stresses, and anxieties.
A New Horizon: This one I took as "future goals", for lack of a better term. Step one would be to make a resume. And to find out what nuclear engineers actually do...
Who I'm Meant to Be: Ending high school, I knew exactly who I was. I think I lost a little of that my first year in college. So, for 2012, I'm striving to be me; a child of the King, a Proverbs 31 woman, a goober, a reader, a spontaneous dancer, an opera singer (in the car), an experimenter, a Walmart clothes wearer, a shoe collector, an adventurer, a proponent of the Oxford Comma, and whatever else strikes my fancy on any given day.

Not profound by any means, but that's exactly what I think makes this structure fit. Resolutions are way too mainstream for me, anyways. Here's to 2012!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12.3.15

    I'm glad you didn't call it by the alternative name: "Harvard Comma".

    Because as my Cornell-graduate sister would say: "Harvard sucks."
