27 August 2012

I'm baaaaaack

Recent events have left me with a few more pearls to string on my necklace of awkward moments. (It's rather a long necklace.)

Picture this: outdoor restaurant seating, a double single date, delicious tacos, lively conversation, a waiter with a water pitcher, the contents of an entire glass of water being thrown across the table into my lap and down my legs. I'm not even sure how this happened. All I know is that I ended up with water all over me, and the waiter just kept standing around and apologizing and asking if I was ok. I said some napkins would be nice and he finally went inside and brought me means to dry off. At least NOTHING ELSE in the area got wet AT ALL. whyyyy me.

Now picture this: I am, to a fault, oblivious to my surroundings as I walk around campus. I just can't help thinking all these awesome thoughts while walking. Since pedestrians are expected on a college campus, this usually isn't a problem and I take on crosswalks without looking left, right, and left again. Today, as I walked across the street in my own little land, I noticed a trolley not stopping. So we both hit the brakes and I made a good minute or longer of eye contact with the driver before continuing to walk across the street. This doesn't sound too bad, except for the fact that it wasn't just eye contact. It was I-just-returned-from-a-place-far-far-in-my-mind-and-am-not-sure-what's-going-on, stink-eye, eye contact. My apologies, ma'am.

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