07 January 2013

First Day of Class: College Edition: Round Seven

The first day of the spring semester feels more like the start of my new year than January first ever does, and I see that as a perfectly good reason to hold off on any kind of life altering resolutions until classes start. Not only is this a good way to continue the I'm-on-vacation/It's-still-considered-the-holidays eating mentality for a good four or five more days, it also allows me to hear what other people are doing in regards to resolutions and incorporate their snazzy ideas into my thought process and ultimately come away with more than just "Eat somewhat healthier. If it's easy. And tastes good".

So, with an extra week of thinking I have come up with the underwhelming resolution to just do what I'm already supposed to be doing anyway. Like reading books and writing letters. Like exercising. Like keeping a food journal. Like limiting time devoted to social media and increasing time devoted to quiet reflection. Like starting homework assignments earlier than the night before they're due. Like actually taking my vitamins. Like wearing adult-type clothes and adult-type makeup. Like being a respectful daughter, sister, student, friend. Like journaling regularly. Like promptly responding to emails. And whatever.

I guess I'm just really bad at converting "Oh, I should probably do such-and-such" into "I did such-and-such" and, in turn, tend to overlook things. This year, instead of making changes I'm attempting to make good.

I'd like to take this opportunity to test out my new philosophy on resolutions by doing something I should have done a long time ago: MY BROTHER, BRANDON, INTRODUCED ME TO THE MUSICAL STYLINGS OF LEE FIELDS. HE DESERVES THE CREDIT. He also gave me the scarf I wore today and the Jane Eyre mug photographed today on what the kids are calling Instagram. So give that boy a cyber round of applause.

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