14 March 2011

There and Back Again

This weekend, I got to go home. Home. HOME. As in, Tyler, Texas. It was glorious. Here in my tiny dorm room, pressed on all sides with homework and more homework, completely focused on all things Tech, I didn't realize how much I needed a break until I actually had one. And it's all thanks to these guys:

Kinda cute, right? I'm honored to have been able to share such a personal, happy day with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. And it was good to meet friends, both old and new, on the dance floor.

Then came the Mexican food eating, the cookie baking, the Sweeney Todd listening, the movie watching, the church going, the rolling picnic-ing, the plane boarding, the MARTA riding, but no tears for me. You know why? Because I'll be back in a week for Spring Break. And that just might be the best part of it all.

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