03 April 2011


Because most of my weekend has been spent either doing homework or thinking about the homework that I have left to do, I found myself a little down in the dumps this afternoon. Here's my prescription for today's blues:

>Crafts! More on this later, I actually remembered to take some photos throughout in order to do a little show and tell.

>I finally started Crazy Love, by Francis Chan, after only a bajillion people have recommended it to me.

>I wanted coffee with dinner, so I drank coffee with dinner. And put hazelnut creamer in it. Mmm. (And I met some of my favorite people in the dining hall after preparing to eat alone. Always, always a happy surprise.)

>Hazelnut always makes me think of Russia, which always makes me happy.

>I put on my favorite White Stripes album (Icky Thump).

>I put on my diamond earrings with my t-shirt and athletic shorts. They make me feel fancy, special, and loved.

>I used my favorite nail file to file my nails. Yes, I have a favorite nail file. It has hula dancers on it and is from the Gap. I have no idea when/how I got it, but I'm positive I did not buy it. (Or steal it, since the previous sentence seems to imply that.)

>I pulled down my Physics binder from last year, hugged it, then used it on my homework. I just really love this binder and the memories attached to it.

>I wrote love notes on some of my friends' Facebook walls, and texted some others.

Yes, these things are a little strange. Seeing them written out in front of me makes me realize just how much so. I like being strange. It makes me happy. You should do things that make you happy, too.

1 comment:

  1. Your quirks delight me. I just got my Physics binder off of my bookshelf and hugged it, too. I feel like we were connected, even though you probably weren't hugging it just then. Oh well, akounapatata. I love you!
