Five Literary Characters That I Think I Could Actually Be Friends With.
Let's be honest, there are some characters that I'd definitely love to be friends with that probably wouldn't give me the time of day. There are also some characters that I would hate to be friends with. There are also characters like Aslan that don't need to be mentioned because WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH ASLAN?
*this was hard. there are lots of characters that I really want to be friends with. these are in no particular order. also, it's weird trying to defend why you would want to be friends with someone...
5. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Pride and Prejudice. Sort of bad at making first impressions, mildly socially inept, but a great friend once made? Sounds strikingly like the Picnic Club. Really, though, Mr. Darcy is probably the Pride and Prejudice character that I feel I relate to most. Please appreciate this major breakthrough on my part, since every girl in the world wants to be Elizabeth Bennet (or at least they should) and it takes a lot to accept that one might not exactly be Lizzy material.
4. Dagny Taggart, Atlas Shrugged. Dagny takes care of business. I feel like she would be the friend that I would automatically lock eyes with when group work was announced because I would know that she'd leave me alone to do my part and that I could trust her to do her part. Then we would finish the project before everyone else and use the extra time to talk about stuff and solve the world's problems. In pencil skirts. Very stylishly without being stylish.
3. Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter. I feel like this would be one of those opposite enough to be entertaining but alike enough to work out friendships. Ginny seems to be braver and brassier than I am, especially in the later books, but she's smart and collected about it. As much as I'd love to be friends with book Hermione, she would get on my nerves. And book Harry is too busy being angsty and killing Voldemort and whatnot to make and retain many new friends. Ginny, though, we would click.
2. Rosie Cotton, The Lord of the Rings. Rosie Cotton is the hobbit that Sam ends up marrying at the end of the adventure. Despite dreams of being a graceful warrior elf or a crazy awesome Nazgul slayer woman, I think my disposition is rather more suited towards being a hobbit. Rosie and I could dance with ribbons in our hair, eat second breakfasts, and drink tea while our husband hobbits tilled the yard and tended the garden.
1. Scout Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird. Let's face it, I was a prime candidate for bossing around. You could call it "easygoing" or "reserved" or "a sweet child", but it all boils down to being really good at having people tell you what to do. I was that girl, and Scout would be a perfect boss. We would be friends because we're both smart, but I would be decidedly less interesting and Scout would convince me take part in antics that I would never do on my own.
0. Vicky Austin, A Ring of Endless Light. Sorry, I had to include one more. Ahem, "Vicky shares a similar personality to Madeleine L'Engle. Both share a passion for literature and poetry, and use writing to express their ideas as well as their emotions. In addition, both struggle with the problem of evil, but ultimately believe in the existence of a loving God" (Wikipedia). Plus she can talk to dolphins. I think it would work out quite well.
-1. Moaning Myrtle, Harry Potter. No explanation necessary.