22 August 2012

Round Six

"Wait...you're taking quantum mechanics for funzies?"
"No, I needed to fill some hours and it might or might not count as an elective."
"So...you're taking quantum mechanics for funzies?"
"Ohhh my gosh, I think I am."

I kind of dig physics. This semester, my course load has finally been whittled down to where I'm mainly taking classes that I want and no longer trudging through basics - wut wut. That means I'm taking radiation detection/detection lab, a special topics class on reactor materials, quantum mechanics, heat transfer, and circuits lab. So far, I've been to everything but the labs. Here are my impressions:

Radiation Detection: my professor is disappointingly normal. He's just a very normal guy.
Reactor Materials: return of the Deo! This class is taught by the same professor I had for radiation physics last semester. He wears clothes that are, on average, 3x too big, usually unmatched, and always disheveled. He has also been known to sport the jean jacket on occasion. (Last year I tried to start a betting pool on what he'd be wearing each day, but it didn't catch on. So I just betted myself in my head.)
Quantum Mechanics: this class is full of physics majors. As in, I was one of four girls and the average hair length was still shoulder-length. Mhmm. The professor is from somewhere foreign and slightly resembles a mermaid from Harry Potter, but only in the face. His grading policy for homework included, "You need an answer. It doesn't need to be the right answer, but you need an answer."
Heat Transfer: imagine the most monotone British voice imaginable. Then imagine that voice talking about conduction, convection, and radiation. We were assigned watching water boil and making a cup of tea for homework. I'm not quite sure how serious that was, but I sure did it.
In general: this is the first semester that I am not that girl walking around almost in tears on the first day. Represent! I still have yet to start a semester without hearing about the double slit experiment in at least one class. I gave someone directions to a building, and they were the right directions. My killer ultrabook is the envy of everyone who sees it.

Non-classwise, the first of the semester has included lots of Target/Walmart runs, dance parties, Tangled watching, tea drinking, staying up way too late, bulletin board pinning, Hamlet re-reading, embroidering, and wishing that this wealth of free time could last all semester.

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