Chances are, if you've ever spoken with me, you've heard me complain about my computer. Not that it was particularly awful or anything, I just liked to complain about it. Well, after about six months of an increasingly more frequent blinking white screen, the display on the ittle Toshiba has finally tuckered out. For a few weeks or so I used a television as an external monitor, which was kind of awesome but slightly impractical. Now I have a killer ultrabook. Watch out, world. There's only one problem: in my back to school packing haste I failed to install Photoshop on the new machine. Needless to say, Imma need that before schoolwork starts picking up and I have things to procrastinate for. (procrastinate from? procrastinate on?) The good thing about this is that I still get to be in adventure mode for the time being, because if the blag says it, it's got to be true.
I have had a few back to school adventures, like unpacking! and rearranging furniture! and hanging posters! and shopping at IKEA!
And for your reading pleasure, here are some articles that have intrigued me recently:
Postcards (I wish I had read this before going to France.)
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