01 September 2012


I've spent countless hours thinking about goals for this semester/year. Some are silly, some are serious, some benefit me, some benefit others, some are big, some are small. Given my track record on things like new years' resolutions and diets that perpetually start tomorrow, I'm working extra hard to follow through on these goals. I guess you could call it a goal to achieve my goals...

Anyway, one of the most prevalent things I think of over and over again is the fact that I want to do stuff. I've been living in Atlanta, a super cool city, for two years now and I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of all that's available to do. Cue this morning's excursion to the Decatur Book Festival with the roomie. It was a Molly Cook dream come true. There were books, authors, and giant crossword puzzles everywhere. And I got a Michael Jackson paper doll fo' free. Step one on my journey to do stuff: complete.

So here's to book festivals, and here's to this blag keeping me accountable for reaching my goals.

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