07 September 2012

Friday Five

Five Things That Are Perpetually on My To-Do List.

5. Figure out what nuclear engineers actually do: yes, those exact words are on several of my to-do lists, starting two years ago. I mean, I get the gist, and I understand the science behind it all, I just don't know what nuclear engineers actually do. Ya dig?

4. Check on that due date: I feel like I'm always telling myself and others that I need to check T-Square to figure out the due dates of homework/quizzes/tests/whatnot. I usually do check then forget again 5 seconds later. So maybe this should be written on my lists as "record that due date on a calendar" from now on.

3. Go to the Wal-Mart: no matter what, no matter when, no matter how recently I've been, I always seem to need to go to the Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Given, part of this is because I just really like the Wal-Mart. Aisles are therapeutic, y'all.

2. Get in touch with So-and-So: there is a never ending queue of people that I either want or need to drop a line, be it letters, email, phone call, whatevs. Summer in a different country with no cell phone was not friendly to my communication habits.

1. Watch/read/listen to                   : why must there be so many tempting movies, shows, books, magazines, blogs, albums, concerts? I want to see/hear ALL the things.

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