21 September 2012

Friday Five

Five Nicknames That I Have/Have Had/Wanted Desperately

5. Maaawwrry: although this version of my name has really only caught on while I've been in college, it all started with Trish/Trishtopher/Stingray, my tenth grade English teacher. My friend and I would pay her daily sneak attack visits of jumping in her classroom and yelling "Herrrooo!" and leaving again as quickly as possible. She always responded with a "Herro, Mawwrry".

4. Molly-           : a grouping of several. My sixth grade science teacher called me Molly-Jo, seventh grade reading teacher called me Molly-Dogg, my roommate calls me Molly-Pants, and my mom calls me Molly-Girl and Molly-Mol on occasion. I'm also including the crowd pleasing Mollz-Ballz here, coined by Jilly-Bean and adopted by Ker-Bear.

3. Miss Molly: this is what kiddos at church call me when I'm rocking out as preschool music teacher at Vacation Bible School or child wrangler extraordinaire at Sizzlin' Summer Missions. Thanks in large part to Little Richard, lots of other people call me this as well.

2. E: this is one that I really wanted to catch on. My initials are MCC, or, in other terms, MC^2, which makes me E according to Einstein's mass-energy equivalence. It really only got so far as one person ever calling me E - my kindred Physics-loving spirit during high school - and in retrospect I'm thinking that might have been for the best.

1. Pooh Bear/Molly Pooh Bear/Molly Pooh: my grandpa has called me Pooh Bear for as long as I can remember. There isn't a real story behind it, but who ever said that nicknames need a reason?

What names have you been nicked?


  1. Anonymous22.9.12

    My grandfather called me "sistibabe", the only nickname I've ever had. He died in 1965, and I've really missed being called that.

  2. Love you, E. I've written three letters this semester already, and they were all to my grandma. Can I have your address, so this year I can kick my awful habit of never responding your your mail?
