26 September 2012

Average Everyday Happenings

Welp, today was a doozy, folks.

I strategically placed my four-legged alarm clock so that I would be sure to wake up this morning after going to bed late last night on top of recovering from being sick. Because, you know, every other morning, when I don't particularly want to be pestered awake at 5 AM, I am without fail. I woke up this morning at 8, an hour later than I intended, the four-legged alarm clock still sleeping peacefully beside me. What is this witchcraft. So that left me with an uncomfortable time interval with which to finish my homework, dress, eat breakfast, do hair and make-up, and get to my 9 AM class. So I went to class pretty much exactly how I woke up, but with almost completed homework! And, wouldn't you know, the apple I grabbed for breakfast was mealy, so I threw it away along my route to class. After class I headed to the library to finish writing my lab report that was due that afternoon, and ended up not finishing before having to go to my next class. But then I saw one of my very favorite goobers in the world and gave him TWO birthday hugs and it was awesome. I stopped by the student center on my way to class to pick up a quick lunch and, heaven help me, could not simply pass by the Wacky Wednesday table where people were handing out free popcorn. (I saw an episode of Good Eats once where Alton Brown talked about cavemen eating popcorn, so I'm going to consider it paleo. Chyeah!) Also on the table were individually wrapped candies and toys. Who wraps toys? Who wraps plastic toys that look like gummi bears? Who displays wrapped plastic toys that look like gummi bears in the same pile that contains wrapped candies? I picked up a plastic scotty dog and asked if it was edible. The popcorn guy laughed at me and said he guessed it could be, but he wouldn't suggest it. I decided to make like a tree and leave. So I get to class, where I am approached by a guy I have never spoken to before. "I feel like I have an eyelash or something in my eye. It's felt this way for about two days." And he looked expectantly at me, like I was about to provide the cure to his eye dilemma. Instead, I asked if he had "dug around in there" to try and get it out.

"Yeeeah...I tried that but it still feels like something's there..."
"Uhh, ok, well, do you normally wear contacts?"
"No, I have astigmatism."
"Ok, well, I would just wait a few more days, and, ummm, I guess if it doesn't get any better you can go to the health center and they'll rub a piece of paper on your eye and tell you if you've scratched your cornea or if you just have an infection and then give you some eye drops." (Not that that has ever happened to me or anything...P.S. exhaustion leads to oversharing when you're Molly Cook.)
"Alright. Well, how expensive are contacts?"

And we continued to discuss the benefits of contacts versus spectacles until class started. Now, here at Georgia Tech we have representation for every species of nerd. I'd peg this guy as a "I Love Video Games But Only if They're Not Too Violent My Mom Dressed Me Until I Came to College". This is pure speculation, but here is how I imagine his thought process: "Man, my eye hurts. What do I do? Normally I would ask my mom. But my mom isn't here...but my mom IS a girl. Maybe I should ask...a girl. Do I know any girls? Hmmm. Not really. I know, I'll ask that one!"

Then during class I spent the majority of my time laughing at my own joke that I sent via text message to two of muh girlz. After class I continued to work on the lab report up until it was time to head to lab, where we pushed a button for an hour. Seriously. Radiation Detection is not as cool as it sounds. I headed to Chorale afterwards and nothing exciting really happened until the end, when a little scrubby guy came up to me, gave me an impressive stinkeye, then proceeded to say - I kid you not -

"This might be the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to you. [dramatic pause] I feel like you are what I would look like...you know, if I were a girl...and a little taller. But I'm not sure. I don't really look at myself in the mirror much."

To which I said, "That is amazing. Thank you for sharing that with me." And my day was instantly the best day in the history of the universe.

Then I went to Marksmanship Club and held a lot of guns, and called my grandparents to tell them I had held lots of guns, and my day was instantly even more the best day in the history of the universe.


  1. Just semi-witnessing that conversation made today the best day in the history of the universe. I'm still chuckling about it :)

  2. I think this is the best post in the history of the internet. I'm laughing alone in my room right before bed (and I have to wake up and face the music early tomorrow morning too) ... hope my day tomorrow is a fraction of what yours was today!
