07 July 2013


I have survived the Russian wilds, everyone. One might even say I have flourished in them, because four days without showering could not even deter constant marriage proposals and declarations of love. I made my international salsa debut. I ate probably five different types of porridge (who knew porridge came in types?). I learned how to say "Galena Nikolayeva has a sack on her head" in Russian. I was a friendship bracelet making machine.

It was lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Molly, thanks for keeping us updated when you can. I am praying for you and for those with whom you interact that God's spirit will be present and lead you and that they will be receptive to your words and actions. Can't wait to hear about all your adventures. Tell your mom hi...and as someone who abhors camping, I must tell you, I am glad you are through with that! I have been catching up on your posts, and I am with Brandon in wondering who that 7th grade history teacher was. Will look forward to hearing more! Love you and your mom and wish you a fulfilling and amazing trip.
