17 September 2013

Precious Pretzels

Y'all, I broke the cardinal rule of Pinteresting in class today: stay away from geek humor. It's not entirely my fault because someone, ahem, Kerry, pinned a LOTR meme that sent me on a downward spiral into a Balrog's abyss of Hipster Frodos, my preciouses, and Impact font, but it's still a little my fault. Anyway, I stumbled across this, which had me shaking all over the place, violently expulsing air from the nose, and offering up prayers of Thanksgiving for the silent laughter that incurred many a gibe in middle and high school. And it's not even that funny. It just hit me at the right moment, I suppose.

I'm not one to keep experiences like this to myself (obvs.), so I shot a text to my go-to LOTR reference lover, Madi aka Gimli*, telling her to check Pinterest for the picture of a kid in a buggy that said "precious pretzel". And that is where the monster of ambiguity reared its beautiful head. Buggy, used here to mean "shopping cart" was misconstrued as "Amish mode of transportation". You can't just tell that to a girl with Photoshop and expect nothing to come of it, folks.

*p.s. I know you hate that Jane made you Gimli in our LitCrit Fellowship, and I'm forever sorry for it, but he does have really cool moustaches and a heart of gold.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Guilty. As payback though, I read this during class and it made me laugh, so I'd call it even.
