16 September 2013


It's weeks like this one, with hefty loads of homework, responsibility, and laundry put into faulty dryers, that sometimes put me into an ungrateful frame of mind. Because college is hard and tedious and we're all just counting down the days until we "get out". But then I look down at the homemade cat sweatshirt I'm wearing and the jar of peanut butter I'm significantly lightening and I think, when else could this possibly be O.K.? When else will it be completely acceptable to wear weird clothes or hang out at concerts or eat the majority of your meals in bed or shirk assignments in favor of blogging or stay up way too late simply having fun?

I'm an engineer. I like things with progression. First one thing, then another, stepping through a process to achieve a goal, and, if you're a good engineer, every step just as important as the one before it, the entire system tailored for efficiency. I think God is an engineer. A good one. And I'm convinced that each step in this process of growing old is a necessary, relevant step, designed to perfection. Skipping steps is illogical.

So let's enjoy where we are, because we'll move on to that next step exactly when the design calls for it.


  1. This moved me to pieces. Would you mind if I re-blogged it?

  2. Anonymous23.9.13

    God is definitely a scientist.
