10 December 2013

finals survival

Hey. It's finals week. Here's my guide for surviving the finals season, aka not getting sickly or letting stress turn you into a mondo grump.

1. Get lots of sleep. Just do it. I realize that perhaps I am hypersensitive to sleep deprivation and other people don't require as much as I do, but there is really no better advice for general health than getting the amount of sleep you know you need. There will always be a point where it's more beneficial to shut the books and get some shuteye.

2. Drink a lot (of tea and water). I read somewhere when I was doing all of my intense Myers Briggs research that "when under a great deal of stress, the INTJ may become obsessed with mindless repetitive, Sensate activities, such as over-drinking". Although I do do this, I'm not sure how much I believe that it's due to my personality or just a habit I've developed. It's sort of cool to see how weirdly accurate (and inaccurate) some of that MBTI stuff can be. Anyway, staying hydrated keeps you healthy and tea keeps you happy.

3. Get dressed. This one took me a long time to figure out because hey! it's college! I can wear sweatpants to class if I feel like it! I can spend the whole day in my room without regard for how I appear to the outside world! No. No matter how good my intentions to study may be, if I look like a Hutt I will act like a Hutt and invariably spend the day lounging, eating weird things, and sending people to their death by Sarlacc. And days spent like that are not good for mental health when you know you should be studying for finals.

4. Eat your veggies. And by that I mean just eat healthy foods in general. You feel better and have more energy. Just do it.

5. But also eat chocolate and cookies. Because you deserve a treat. My favorite cookies this go around are belVita Breakfast Biscuits because they give the illusion of being a healthy option and they come prepackaged in packs of four, giving your self discipline enough time to kick in before you exceed the inevitably ridiculous small serving size for tasty things.

6. Study! There is no better feeling than knowing course material. To expand on this, study with people you like in cool places like tea rooms. See point 2.

7. Take study breaks. I am a believer in frequent study breaks. Clean the kitchen, write a blag post, make some tea, do some yoga, dance it out, watch some YouTube, knit a few rounds: all viable options for a quick deviation from tedious studying. It's important for sanity.

There. Now you have an insight into my secrets for success, internet friends. Thank you for indulging me as I exercise point 7, and excuse me as I get back to point 6.

1 comment:

  1. Following this to the tea, especially number 5!
