28 February 2014

the post

lol Madi I like how you question if I read your blog. the answer is yes, a thousand times yes.

And on that note let's just talk about how much of an Austenophile I used to be. I ate English muffins with jam and tea exclusively for breakfast for a period of time. I read every single Jane Austen novel in rapid succession. I watched every single film and television adaptation of those Austen novels. I drank lots and lots of tea. I based my dating life on Jane Austen's Guide to Dating (in my daydreams). I based my bathroom decor on the color palette of the cover illustration of Jane Austen's Guide to Dating. Anything Austen, I loved. Still do, just not quite so obsessively.

And what about Harry Potter? What about midnight book release parties at Barnes and Noble with the bro while the parents staked out at CVS and Walmart to guarantee that the household would acquire two books before the shelves were emptied (and typically finish those books within 48 hours)? I'm a total Potterhead. I'll spare y'all any further explanation.

I will never get a letter from Jane Austen and I will never get an acceptance letter from Hogwarts but I think I have a pretty good idea of what that would feel like because today I got a letter from Grasmere. All the way over the pond, from Little Miss Lake District herself and my idealizations of the post are complete: I have received a letter from Great Britain. ptl for Mad-Dog making my dreams come true.

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