1. You read this blog! Which means you care.
2. You're thooper thmart. St. Mary's Law, chemistry at Auburn, Mr. Moore Mustang...
3. You would come hang out with me in Atlanta, even though I never came to Auburn like I said I would/wanted to.
4. You pick up my lost skis and poles when I somersault down double blacks.
5. You taught me how to road trip to and from school, speeding tickets included.
6. You let me hang out with your friends in middle school - when stuff like that REALLY REALLY mattered.
7. You were cool in high school, which made me a little cooler when people made the connection.
8. You instigated many viewings of Star Wars, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Rat Race, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail in my early childhood.
9. You took me to that Ben Folds concert in Shreveport with James and Clay when my friends couldn't go, and let me sit shotgun.
10. You're a total nerd and because of you I've been spending way too much time on the Song of Ice and Fire Forums.
11. You show me lots of good Youtube videos.
12. You give me t-shirts that you don't want to wear anymore, and even some that you do, like that College Republican one mom gave to Alma.
13. You put the stickers I give you onto your Nalgene.
14. You
15. You only for real punched me during sparring at Buddy Duke's Tae Kwon Do.
16. You take the couch and let me sleep on the bed when I stay at your apartment. Most of the time, at least.
17. You've saved me from buying some "goofy looking" clothes.
18. You eat the rest of my meals at restaurants when I'm full.
19. You have good taste in books, movies, music, boots, etc.
20. You don't wear man jewelry.
21. You. crack. me. up.
22. You let me play with your Star Wars action figures, Micro Machines, and G.I. Joes (but only the broken ones).
23. You got my back. (I searched for the clip from The 3 Ninjas where they all yell, "I've got your back, no I've got your back!" but couldn't find it, so just imagine it here.)
Awwwwwww. There must be some dust in the air today. Sniffle.