5. My vanilla-hazelnut coffee blend: this is by no means anything cool or impressive. I just really really like Einstein Bros. vanilla hazelnut coffee and the departure of the Einstein Bros. from our student center was really cramping my style this year. So I decided it was time to put on my big girl pants and make my own coffee. For the first time. (Call me a princess, but I just sort of assumed that someone else would make my coffee for me for my whole life. That dream is done.) So, basically, all of this is to say that I'm really proud of the fact that I can buy Folgers brand vanilla and hazelnut flavored coffee grounds and mix them together. It's a big deal to me, alright?
4. My heritage: everyone knows I'm from Texas. I make sure of that. I love it, and I am all kinds of proud to be from the greatest nation in the world. And every time you talk about this "Six Flags" you have here in Georgia, I will tell you the origin of the park and the meaning of it's name and list all six flags in order of appearance, regardless of if I've told you before or not. More important than where I come from, though, is who I come from - I am proud as all get out of my family and the values that they have passed down from generation to generation that make me who I am. The majority of my jewelry is heirloom, passed down from my mom and grandma, and I love that it reminds me of the great women who wore it before me and the loving men that gifted it to them.
3. My bookshelf: not to brag, but it's pretty ballin'. I take tons and tons of pictures of my various books/bookshelves, trying (usually failing) to be artsy and cool and Madi. A girl can dream.
2. My babies: I got the mom gene pretty hard. (Not to be confused with mom jeans. I try to stay away from those.) I like to take care of people, then I get really proud of them when they turn out AWESOME under my tutelage. The kids I led in small groups at church, my confirmation kiddos, my
1. This here little blag: starting off, I never imagined anyone other than my parents and grandparents (and probably the mahjong ladies) would read my incoherent thoughts. Then I came to a technical institute and my incoherent thoughts became more than just a hobby, they became a necessity. I'm proud to have retained this appreciation of words and the freedom of language at a stage in my life where accuracy and numbers and computers and formulas and proficiency are considered "the most important thing".
0. My God: I belong to Him? *brushes shoulders off*
What are you proud of?
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