07 May 2013

poppin' tags

I'm going to divulge a secret right about now: I am a disappointing thrifter. This is not false modesty or a cry for affirmation. It's a matter of fact that I am just not very good at combing thrift stores, even though I enjoy it immensely. Are you, like me, embarrassed by your limited thrifting abilities? Embarrass no more. Here are a few guidelines that have helped me hold my own in any Value Village.

1. Go with a theme. I've found that it's much easier to navigate a huge thrift store with a specific theme in mind. For example, I've narrowed my searching down on different visits to anything suede or cowboy looking, 1980's glory, safari enthusiast, and Mr. Rogers inspired, among others. With a defined theme, it's easier to keep from getting overwhelmed.

2. Look at labels. Don't get suckered into buying a shirt for just three dollars only to realize that the same shirt can be found at Walmart for the same three dollars without having been worn before by someone with any number of weird clothing habits (just sayin'). Keep in mind, though...

3. Brand name is a good incentive to buy something, but not an imperative. An unflattering blazer with threadbare shoulders is still an unflattering blazer with threadbare shoulders, Ralph Lauren or otherwise.

4. Always make a purchase. At the end of the day, just buy something. It's cheap, it's fun, you wear it once and you get your money's worth. Cut it up, alter the fit, use it unconventionally, learn about garment construction, make hairbows from excess material, throw a costume party, try something new. You won't regret buying, but there's always a chance that you will regret leaving those dark green Wranglers on the rack.

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