19 July 2013


"Think of all those fluid dynamics!" - Molly in a fountain grotto

"Can you do <lower price>? No? Uh, O.K., that's fine." - Molly bartering in souvenir markets

"Oh! That's a Barnes and Noble Classics cover." - Molly in an an art museum

Just in case y'all were curious.

After spending a day at Peterhof and a night on a train, the trip is wrapping up with some sightseeing in Moscow. Protests in Red Square have hindered that a bit, though, as we've decided to avoid the area in an attempt to avoid arrest or whatever. While this is sort of too bad for the first timers, it's kind of cool to see new parts of the city. The biggest challenge for our last 36 hours in the country is to avoid food poisoning without eating McDonald's for every meal. Also, praise be that someone else is on guard about food poisoning because if it were up to me I'd probably be eating street food willy nilly. What can I say? I live life on the edge.

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