18 October 2013

Books A to Z

I stole this from Kerry because I am a sucker for books and a sucker for these questionnaire thingos that used to be really cool on Facebook that I never got tagged in but I kept my answers in a Word document just in case.

Author you’ve read the most books from.
I think this is technically J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter and I were buds.
Or maybe C.S. Lewis, with Narnia plus a number of his grownup books.
Most independent books (aka not in a series) would probably be Jane Austen

Best sequel ever.
I do not know.

Currently reading.
Neverwhere, Neil Gaiman.

Drink of choice while reading.
Something hot - tea, coffee, hot chocolate, apple cider, whatevs.

E-reader or physical book?
Physical book, definitely. Ever read Fahrenheit 451?

Fictional character you probably would have actually dated in high school. I kept an embarrassingly lengthy list on this exact topic in my notebook. Colonel Brandon of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility was my dream man and it did not hurt one bit that he was portrayed by Alan Rickman in the film adaptation. swoon face.

Glad you gave this book a [second] chance.
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte. I hated it the first time and appreciated it the second time.

Hidden gem book.
The Doorbells of Florence. Bought randomly at Hastings. A collection of short story snippets about fictional inhabitants of the real homes whose doorbells he has photographed. Can you say charming?

Important moment in your reading life.
I was excused from nap time in kindergarten and allowed to read books and write book reports instead. I was also allowed to check chapter books out of the library years before my classmates. These are my crowning glories and have apparently fostered a lasting sense of superiority.

Just finished.
Born Standing Up, by Steve Martin. I will spare you my Steve Martin fangirling (for the moment) but ohmygosh am I a fan.

Kinds of books you won’t read.
Books I don't like.

Longest book you’ve ever read.
Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand. There's a list on Wikipedia of the longest novels ever written and I've read three of them and I might be bragging a bit about that.

Major book hangover because of…
Gone With the Wind, Margaret Mitchell. I just...

Number of bookcases you own.
Not enough. Maybe four at home, one at school, still have books spilling out every which way.

One book you have read multiple times.
A Ring of Endless Light, Madeleine L'Engle. This is my cozy book.

Preferred place to read.
In bed all snuggled up.

Quote from a book you’ve read that inspires you.
"...but it's better when one does good so that you may ask every one and no one knows."
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Reading regret.
I am sorry to say that I read the Twilight series.

Series you started and need to finish.
ASOIAF!!!!!! Hurry up George R.R. because I am antsy.

Three of your all-time favorite books.
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), The Sound and the Fury (Faulkner)

Unapologetic fangirl for…
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, basically anything concerning dragons and/or that will give you talking points with nerdy seventh grade boys.

Very excited for this release more than all the others.
The Winds of Winter. Y'all.

Worst bookish habit.
I drink a lot of tea/coffee as I read. I spill.

X marks the spot: the 27th book on my shelf.
Which shelf?

Your latest book purchase.
Over fall break my mother treated me to a collection of stories by Edgar Allen Poe, The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury, and Neverwhere because she is the greatest.

Zzz-snatcher book (latest book that kept you up way late).Nuclear Systems Volume I: Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals. Oh, that it weren't so.


  1. You are wonderful for doing this! And yes! Colonel Brandon is a total stud muffin (mostly due to Alan Rickman and his smoldering good looks). This entire list just reaffirms that we are pretty much twins.

  2. Anonymous25.10.13

    Author you’ve read the most books from.
    Brian Jacques

    Best sequel ever.
    Does a sequel have to be the second in a set of only two? I can't think of any sets of just two I have read. If The Two Towers counts as a sequel it should win.

    Currently reading.
    Darkly Dreaming Dexter- Jeff Lindsay

    Drink of choice while reading.
    Coffee and water

    E-reader or physical book?
    Don't own an "E-reader", but I think they are cool.

    Fictional character you probably would have actually dated in high school. Hermione Granger, she had a thing for sloppy, kind hearted red heads.

    Glad you gave this book a [second] chance.
    Pride and Prejudice- More like gave a chance, then gave a second chance. I can't think of a better answer.

    Hidden gem book.
    The White Fox Chronicles - Gary Paulsen [the dude that wrote hatchet]. Do not underestimate children/teenage literature. This book will require about 4.5 hours of reading and is exciting from beginning to end.
    Ramayana- This is a Hindu epic I had to read for a world lit class. It is phenomenal, jam packed with giant flying monkeys, evil spirits and a heroic blue man.
    The Testament and The Partner - John Grisham- he has so many books, these are a couple worth reading.

    Important moment in your reading life.
    When I was introduced to Accelerated Reader points. In sixth grade I moved to middle school and my school had a point system to keep tract of how much each kid was reading. Every book was assigned a point value, if you read the book and then passed a computerized test about the book you received the points for the book. AR points made it even more fun to read books. I read more books in middle school then any other period of my life.

    Just finished.
    Nothing, except for statutes and cases. Dunc and Egg- George Martin (on audio).

    Kinds of books you won’t read.
    I have never read a romance novel. The book about running kites my mom has ceaselessly recommended to me over the years.

    Longest book you’ve ever read.
    No idea.

    Major book hangover because of…
    ASOIAF- George Martin. We partied together for a whole summer, and then it was over. Now I muddle through life anxiously awaiting the next time we will get together. In the meantime I reminisce with friends about the good times, try to remember exactly what happened and watch HBO desperately try to recreate the magic.

    Number of bookcases you own.
    One, it's pretty full.

    One book you have read multiple times.
    Count of Monte Cristo- Alexander Dumas

    Preferred place to read.
    In private.

    Quote from a book you’ve read that inspires you.
    I don't remember the exact words from books. Brave New Word inspired me to be my own individual and question everything with "authority".

    Reading regret.
    I have read thousands upon thousands of pages of books but probably only 20 pages from the Bible. [can you regret something that you can still easily fix?]. Also can you regret books you had to read for class? I hated Walden, hated Something Wicked This Way Comes, hated Ralph Waldo Emerison.

    Series you started and need to finish.
    ASOIAF!!!!!! Hurry up George R.R. because I am antsy.

    Three of your all-time favorite books.
    Count of Monte Cristo(Dumas), Brave New World(Aldous Huxley), Catcher in the Rye (JD Sallinger)

    Unapologetic fangirl for…
    The Redwall series! My sister refused to read this series!?!?

    Very excited for this release more than all the others.
    The Winds of Winter. Y'all.

    Worst bookish habit.
    Laying the book open and words down to save my place instead of using a book mark. Also, skim reading, just can't help it.

    X marks the spot: the 27th book on my shelf.
    Silly question

    Your latest book purchase.
    $650 of legal text books.

    Zzz-snatcher book (latest book that kept you up way late).Texas Rules of Evidence Manual
