17 October 2013

For my girls.

This is one thing I would tell my eighth grade girls group, were I capable of coherent verbal communication. (As it is, I am waaaay more confident with the written word. I'm working on it, though, folks; I'll be an effective verbal communicator in no time. heh.) It's also an ode to my three best gals, who have been there since eighth grade and before.

When you're in eighth grade, the friends you have feel like they'll be your friends forever. But you grow. You sign up for volleyball and they sign up for pom squad. Different paths lead you to different sets of people, where you meet even more friends. Not better friends, not truer friends, just more friends. And that's O.K.

But some of the friends you have in eighth grade will be your friends forever. They'll be the ones staying up all hours of the night just waiting for your snippet of free time for a much needed phone call. They'll be the ones reading all of your lengthy emails detailing weird dreams or irrational fears or roommate issues. They'll ask you to be their maid of honor. They'll have your Andy's order memorized. They'll be happy when you're happy, sad when you're sad, and angry when you're angry no matter how they might actually be feeling. They will be your besties for the resties. Cherish each other. Don't stress about boys, because the best friends you have in eighth grade last unbelievably longer than the boyfriends you have in eighth grade.

P.S. some of us didn't even have boyfriends in eighth grade because, who needs 'em?, so don't feel like a mutant if everyone is boy crazy but you. There's no shame in waiting as long as you need/want to for that mess.

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